UniqueTek was started by a shooter (me) who became frustrated trying to find certain products designed specifically for the needs of shooters. After owning a Dillon XL 650 reloading press for many years, I wanted a micrometer powder bar ... but none was available anywhere at any price. So I designed my own! It took me three years and a lot of searching for a shop to manufacture the parts. But now it is completed and ready for you.
Reloading also raised a concern about lead contamination. But what to do? After much searching I found a lead removal hand soap. It is highly effective at removing lead and other heavy metals you encounter when reloading and shooting, but was only available by the case at Industrial Safety stores.
Cleaning powder residue from my pistol scopes, rifle scopes and especially my shooting glasses is critical to maintain a crystal clear view of the target. But many eyeglass cleaners contain silicones or "special" additives that may, with repeated use, damage lens coatings or leave behind a smeary film. And a dry lens cleaning cloth isn't always effective at removing the grunge. So I found a manufacturer of advanced formula lens cleaning solutions used in the precision optics industry that also made disposable lens wipes.
I've assembled these products, and more, in one web site and will continue to add unique products in the future. Ever been frustrated trying to find something special? Let us know and we'll try to find it … or make it for you.
Best regards,