Projx, Inc.

My name is Paul McCue and I founded Projx Inc.

“ In my first profession as a woodworker and cabinet maker (my other passion); I came to love the beauty of a brilliantly crafted product. I made my first stock as I pursued competition in sporting clays. Along the way, many of my customers requested of me to repair, refinish, or to make customized stocks and grips. This included requests for checkering and metal inlays. Often times working on the guns required dismantling which led to many “So while you’re in there would you..?” Eventually I began offering repair services as well.“

As a life long firearms enthusiast I had attained many qualifications relating to firearms training.

These include:

1. NRA certified instructor and range officer

2. NSCA Level II instructor and referee

3. CMP Master instructor

4. Range Masterinc. advanced handgun instructor.

5. IDPA saftey officer since 1998

6. Suarez Combat Pistol Instructor School (Close Range Gun-Fighting)

When the 2008 housing collapse came; the demand for custom woodworking decreased exponentially. At Projx Inc. the focus shifted from cabinetry to the wood and metal of firearms.

Now we are working on firearms on many different levels. We range from training, gun fitting, and recoil management, to increasing accuracy, and repairs. At Projx inc. our work is based on our assurance of reliability and confidence in performance.

Remember our motto, Projx Inc.“Firearms serviced by shooters.”

