Gun video catalog

Gun Video is the #1 online community for news about Glock parts, videos, blogs, and more.

Since 2010, the GlockStore YouTube channel has entertained, informed, and educated literally millions of viewers about firearms in general, and Glock handguns in particular.

Our YouTube channel has over 120,000 subscribers and over 15 million views. Why? Because everyone knows that Lenny Magill, CEO and Founder of GlockStore, makes the best Gun Videos on the internet!

Recently, YouTube has decided they are going to shut down some firearm related channels. Which ones they will shut down aren’t exactly clear, as the guidelines as to what will, or will not be acceptable are a bit vague.

However, as we interpret the guidelines, we believe there is a very real possibility that GlockStore’s YouTube Channel may soon be deleted and the hundreds of hours of valuable, instructional based videos will be lost.

That’s why we’re launching and why you’ll want to be a part of it! The new will not only have all of our videos available to you, but they will be categorized and searchable so you can more easily find the videos that you’re interested in.

